Emergency and Disaster Medicine specialist, past
president of the Society for Emergency Medicine,
India; Immediate Past President of Asian Society
for Emergency Medicine and Chair of Disaster
Medicine Special Interest Group of International
Federation for Emergency Medicine.
Founder of First Indo-US EM Residency program in
India in collaboration with the Ronald Reagan
Institute of Emergency Medicine, The George
Washington University, Washington DC. Regional
Faculty of American Heart Association since
2005. Visiting Professor at the University of South
Wales, UK & founder of 3 plus 3 Indo-UK EM
program in collaboration with the British
Association of Physicians of Indian Origin, UK.
Alumnus of the International Visitor Leadership
Program (IVLP), U.S. Department of State’s
premier professional exchange program, in crisis
and disaster management (2013).
Dr. VGR Shastri
Graduated in 1970 from Andhra Merdical College,
and Post Graduation at Govt. Medical College,
Nagpur in 1983. Has a Diploma in Family Merdicine
from Post Graduate Instt. of Medical Sciences,
Colombia and a Fellowship in Diabetes from
Martin Luther Christian University.
Member of Central Health Services for 32 years
during which a tenure of 5 years as First Secretary
at Indian Embassy Islamabad, Pakistan.
Served for 15 years as Head of VVIP Medical Unit
for Prime Ministers of India, and served 5 PMs.
Worked as Senior Consultant at Max Supere
Speciality Hospital Saket, and Medeor Hospital,
Qutab Instt. Area.
International Faculty of George Washington
University, USA and International Examiner for
Royal College of Emergency Medicine, UK
Dr. Phalguna K
Graduated from the prestigious Maulana Azad
Medical College, New Delhi. Completed Masters
in Emergency Medicine from the joint
collaborative program between George
Washington University and Max Healthcare. Also
awarded Member of Royal College of Emergency
Medicine by Exam in 2018.
Worked in Emergency Departments of various
healthcare groups such as Max Healthcare, VPS
Healthcare and SRM Institute of Medical
Brings decades long experience of Clinical ,
Administrative Teaching to the course.